Research and Projects

St. Anne's Limehouse, London, UK

Here is a list with some of the most recently completed projects:

A Historically Informed Performance Project in Treviso, Italy

A Swedish Hidden Jewel: The First Modern Edition of Mankell's 5th Organ Sonata

Songs of a Cypress: Montepulciano's 18th Century Cypress Organ

Jonas Ekengren's 1776 Organ in Yttergran, Sweden

A Forgotten Tuscan Composer: Francesco Bianciardi

Organi di somma perfettione: Italian Organs, Organists and Organ Builders, mentioned by Adriano Banchieri in his Conclusioni nel suono dell'Organo (Bologna, 1609)

Playing History: 17th Century Swedish Organ Music in Övertorneå

Transposing Sounds: the Unique Organ at Sønderborg Castle Chapel, Denmark

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