Karlskoga Organ Academy
- Skogskyrkogården's Chapel
Giuseppe de Martino (Naples), 1715. Restored by Inzoli-Bonizzi (Ombriano di Crema, Cremona), 2006. Installed by Samuele Maffucci (Montemagno, Pistoia), 2019.
One keyboard with 45 keys (C-c3) and short octave. No pedal.
Principale 8, Ottava 4, XV 2, XIX, XXII, XXVI [Tirapieno]
Tracker action. 1/4 Meantone. A=435 Hz. Pressure: 50 mm. 274 pipes.
Åkerman & Setterquist (Strängnäs), 1858. Rebuilt by E.A. Setterquist & Son (Örebro), 1916, and Walter Thür AB (Torshälla), 1986.
3 keyboards with 56 keys (C-g3). Pedal with 30 notes (C-f1).
1a Man - Huvudverk (Great): Principal 16 (från c), Principal 8 [från 1916], Dubbelflöjt 8, Octava 4 [1916], Spetsflöjt 4, Kvinta 3, Octava 2 [1916], Cornett 3 chor [1916], Mixtur 5 chor, Trumpet 8
2a Man - Positiv (Choir enclosed): Borduna 8 [1916], Gamba 8, Principal 4, Rörflöjt 4, Piccolo 2, Larigot 1 1/3, Scharf 3 chor, Fagott 16, Vox humana 8, Tremulant
3e Man - Svällverk (Swell enclosed): Borduna 16 [1916], Principal 8, Rörflöjt 8 [1916], Gamba 8, Voix céleste 8, Octava 4, Flute octaviante 4, Violin 4 [1916], Nasard 2 2/3, Waldflöjt 2, Ters 1 3/5, Mixtur 4 chor, Trompette harm. 8, Oboe 8, Tremulant
Pedale: Violon 16 [1916], Subbas 16 [1916], Kvinta 10 2/3, Octava 8 [1916], Borduna 8 [1916], Octava 4 [1916], Basun 16, Trumpet 8
Tracker action.
Couplers: I-P, II-P, III-P, II-I, III-I, III-II.
999x8 combinations.
- Karlsdal's Chapel
Nicholson & Co. (Worcester, England), 1906. Restored and installed by Samuele Maffucci (Montemagno, Pistoia), 2022-3.
2 keyboards with 58 keys (C-a3). Pedal with 30 notes (C-f1).
1a Man - Great: Open Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Wald Flute 4
2a Man - Swell enclosed: Clarabella 8, Gamba 8, Gemshorn 4
Pedal: Bourdon 16
Tracker action for keys and stops. Pneumatic action for pedals.
Couplers: Gt to Sw, Gt to Ped, Sw to Ped, Sw Super Octave.
4 combination pedals.