Karlskoga Organ Academy

Riccardo Gnudi is the founder and artistic director of Karlskoga Organ Academy. The Academy classes are open to students and professional musicians as well as all who wish to learn about early organ repertoire, especially from Italy: here you can find some suggestions to prepare your repertoire for our classes. Organists Hans Fagius, Joel Speerstra, Hans-Ola Ericsson, Stefan Therstam, the soprano Anna Karin Schäfer and Adolf Fredrik's Boys' Choir are among our guests for classes and concerts.

The organs that we use for our classes are:

- Skogskyrkogården's Chapel

Giuseppe de Martino (Naples), 1715. Restored by Inzoli-Bonizzi (Ombriano di Crema, Cremona), 2006. Installed by Samuele Maffucci (Montemagno, Pistoia), 2019.

One keyboard with 45 keys (C-c3) and short octave. No pedal.

Principale 8, Ottava 4, XV 2, XIX, XXII, XXVI [Tirapieno]

Tracker action. 1/4 Meantone. A=435 Hz. Pressure: 50 mm. 274 pipes.

- Karlskoga Church

Åkerman & Setterquist (Strängnäs), 1858. Rebuilt by E.A. Setterquist & Son (Örebro), 1916, and Walter Thür AB (Torshälla), 1986.

3 keyboards with 56 keys (C-g3). Pedal with 30 notes (C-f1).

1a Man - Huvudverk (Great): Principal 16 (från c), Principal 8 [från 1916], Dubbelflöjt 8, Octava 4 [1916], Spetsflöjt 4, Kvinta 3, Octava 2 [1916], Cornett 3 chor [1916], Mixtur 5 chor, Trumpet 8
2a Man - Positiv (Choir enclosed): Borduna 8 [1916], Gamba 8, Principal 4, Rörflöjt 4, Piccolo 2, Larigot 1 1/3, Scharf 3 chor, Fagott 16, Vox humana 8, Tremulant
3e Man - Svällverk (Swell enclosed): Borduna 16 [1916], Principal 8, Rörflöjt 8 [1916], Gamba 8, Voix céleste 8, Octava 4, Flute octaviante 4, Violin 4 [1916], Nasard 2 2/3, Waldflöjt 2, Ters 1 3/5, Mixtur 4 chor, Trompette harm. 8, Oboe 8, Tremulant
Pedale: Violon 16 [1916], Subbas 16 [1916], Kvinta 10 2/3, Octava 8 [1916], Borduna 8 [1916], Octava 4 [1916], Basun 16, Trumpet 8

Tracker action.
Couplers: I-P, II-P, III-P, II-I, III-I, III-II.
999x8 combinations.

- Karlsdal's Chapel

Nicholson & Co. (Worcester, England), 1906. Restored and installed by Samuele Maffucci (Montemagno, Pistoia), 2022-3.

2 keyboards with 58 keys (C-a3). Pedal with 30 notes (C-f1).

1a Man - Great: Open Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Wald Flute 4
2a Man - Swell enclosed: Clarabella 8, Gamba 8, Gemshorn 4
Pedal: Bourdon 16

Tracker action for keys and stops. Pneumatic action for pedals.
Couplers: Gt to Sw, Gt to Ped, Sw to Ped, Sw Super Octave.
4 combination pedals.

Info: kga.orgelakademi@gmail.com

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